How Communist Propaganda Changed America

How Communist Propaganda Changed America

You guys asked for another Edward Bernays episode, and there you have it. In our last episode, how consumer propoganda changed America you met the man who invented consumerism. But in this episode Edward Bernays would use his propaganda techniques, not for dollars and sense but for a political pursuit. Watch Bernays take on the politicians, the communists, and rationality itself in this epic banger that features lots of propaganda, the CIA, and bananas..lots and lots of bananas

0:00 Edward Bernays is BACK! (but why???)
1:33 The most BORING President EVER Likes Pancakes
3:00 The Great Depression Sucked
4:59 The most POPULAR President EVER Likes…People?
9:05 da Corporations v.s. da Politicians
12:53 Celebrating 150 Years of Merica
14:52 How Evil Are YOUR Bananas?
19:33 Don’t Be Scared; They’re Just Nukes
21:26 Did someone say Coup?
28:54 EE Launched A NEW CHANNEL!

Credit to : Epic Economics