“There should be a Rent Freeze, there should be a Ban on Evictions!” | Clash Over Homeless Crisis

3,200 Homeless Children in the Country

Claire is joined by Kevin Doyle, Minister Roderic O’Gorman and Holly Cairns TD to discuss the fact that there are now over 3,200 homeless children in the country.

Kevin Doyle stresses that the homeless figures have been above 10,000 for the past few years and it seems inexplicable that the government have not been able to reduce this figure.

Holly Cairns TD tells the panel that there’s “been a 47% increase in child homelessness in the last year. And now we’re going to consult the AG about potentially having a ban on evictions?”

Holly believes that “there should be a rent freeze, there should be a ban on evictions!”

In response to Holly, the Minister states “the government has to act legally.”

He states that he knows “the Minister for Housing is engaging with the Attorney General in terms of the legal provisions around any potential restriction on evictions”
Credit to : Virgin Media